
This Procedure defines the activities that RTD expressly permits and prohibits at RTD 设施, 定义如下, 还有使用许可证的要求, 特别事件协议, 新闻报道许可.

“RTD设施,,如本程序所使用, 指RTD拥有或控制的任何不动产, including the airspace above such property to the extent of RTD's airspace rights, 并且对公众开放, 包括但不限于公交车站, 铁路车站, 和Park-n-Rides.

“RTD设施,,如本程序所使用, does not include the following:

  • RTD运输车辆,受RTD行为守则管制;
  • RTD物业内的商业空间,通常须由RTD与承租人或持牌人签订租赁或使用协议;
  • Newsracks, which are subject to RTD's separate Newsrack Policy; and
  • Space normally reserved for paid advertising, which is subject to RTD's Advertising Policy.



RTD不得禁止在RTD设施上或设施内进行表达性活动, 在合理时间内, 的地方, 以及保护公众健康或安全的行为限制, concern the provision of transit service or the flow of traffic on or in RTD 设施, 或关注RTD设施的安全和高效运行. 然而, 不允许在火车站台或以下地点的内部空间进行表达性活动:联合车站巴士总站, 文娱中心站, 在车站广场站的博尔德枢纽, 市区博尔德站.

根据任何rtd颁发的使用许可证的要求,并提供活动不干扰或阻碍过境服务或以其他方式涉及禁止行为, 下列活动获准在研发设施内进行, 不包括火车月台和以下地点的内部空间:联合车站巴士总站, 文娱中心站, 在车站广场站的博尔德枢纽, 博尔德市中心站:

  • 公众演讲, 示威活动, 当纠察队, 竞选活动, 传单, 请愿, 以及书面材料的分布, 非商业性, 以及宣传材料;
  • 艺术表演;
  • 募捐:为宗教、社会和政治原因进行的募捐.

任何人根据本程序使用RTD设施进行非过境活动,风险自负, RTD不因发布本程序而承担任何责任.




  • 从事本程序未授权的活动.
  • 未能遵守RTD员工或代表提出的与RTD运营政策相关的合理要求.
  • Performing any act that interferes with or may tend to interfere with the provision of transit service, obstructs or may tend to obstruct the flow of traffic on or in RTD 设施, or interferes with or may tend to interfere with the safe and efficient 操作 of RTD 设施.
  • 违反当地的, 状态, 或者联邦法律, 规则, 规定, 或法令, 包括但不限于妨碍运输, C.R.S. § 18-9-114; Endangering Public Transportation, C.R.S. § 18-9-115; and Throwing Missiles at Vehicles, C.R.S. § 18-9-116. 这种被禁止的行为包括造成身体伤害的行为, 危害公共或个人安全的, 或者造成对身体伤害迫在眉睫的合理担忧.
  • 破坏或永久改变RTD属性的. 任何绳索不得锚定在任何升高的表面上, and no stakes shall be driven into the surface of RTD property or any appurtenance to RTD property.
  • 虚假地歪曲自己, 通过文字, 迹象, 传单, 服装, 或以其他方式, 作为代理人, 员工, 下属, 或RTD的代表.
  • 干扰任何建筑, 改造, 或在RTD设施上或在RTD设施内进行的维护. All persons shall obey any directions or signage prohibiting access to certain areas due to construction, 改造, 或维护.
  • 张贴或粘贴任何标志, 海报, 请注意, 广告, 传单, 未经RTD明确书面许可的任何书面事项.
  • 张贴或留下任何单张, 纸, 或在RTD设施内停放的车辆上张贴书面资料.
  • 从事淫秽的活动, 诽谤, or consists of fighting words or specific threats of serious bodily injury. 任何人不得煽动即将发生的不法行为.
  • Engaging in commercial activity; public speaking; 示威活动; 当纠察队; 竞选活动; 传单; 请愿; distribution of written, 非商业性, or promotional materials; artistic performances; solicitation for religious, 社会, or political causes; or other organized activity in the interior spaces of the following locations: Union Station bus terminal, 文娱中心站, 在车站广场站的博尔德枢纽, 市区博尔德站.
  • 在火车站台上, no person shall engage in organized activity utilizing any equipment 的地方d on the ground, 包括但不限于桌子, 椅子, 盒子, 和冷却器, 或者涉及两个以上的人.
  • Violating the terms of, or failing to have possession of, a use permit when required.
  • 在RTD设施运作数小时后未经授权进入.
  • 未能遵从RTD的要求站在警告条(包括黄色触觉条)后面或RTD物业的其他安全位置.
  • 在交通或行人管制的十字路口或指定的人行横道以外的任何地点穿越铁路专用线.
  • 吸烟或吸任何物质,包括但不限于烟草(如《澳博体育app》所定义), 或者使用咀嚼烟草, within any RTD Facility where smoking is prohibited by 状态 or local law, 任何室内RTD设施, 任何张贴“禁止吸烟”标志的户外或封闭RTD设施, and the area within a radius of 15 feet of the main entry or 门way to an in门 RTD Facility.
  • 喝任何酒精饮料或大麻, 或持有任何酒精饮料或大麻的开放容器, 除非RTD特别允许.
  • 当某人因饮酒或服用任何药物而严重受损,无法在运输系统环境中安全工作时,进入或留在RTD设施.
  • 乱扔垃圾(包括洒出食物或液体).
  • 使用喇叭或类似装置故意扰乱交通服务或公共安全的.
  • 引诱或以其他方式与任何其他人进行不受欢迎的谈话,而该等人是俘虏观众(i).e .(排队等车).
  • 将任何动物带入室内RTD设施,除非(1)该动物是为帮助残疾人而设计和训练的, (2)该动物正在接受协助残疾人的训练, 或者(三)动物在适当的动物载体中. 所有的动物都必须有当地司法管辖区要求的当前疫苗接种证明.
  • 妨碍残障人士使用残障人士使用交通服务所需的设施,如坡道, 电梯, 还有高高的积木.
  • 管有或运输物品, 行李, 或限制客户在运输车辆周围安全移动或以其他方式扰乱运输使用的包裹(移动辅助设备除外).
  • 拥有或运输易燃液体的, 易燃材料, 或汽油等其他危险物品或物质, 煤油, 或丙烷, 包括在容器或机器中.
  • 携带任何武器, 危险Tools(包括但不限于弹簧刀), 重力刀, 盒刀, 刮胡刀, 未包覆或未包覆的刀片, 或剑), 或者任何其他用作武器的物品, 除非在法律授权的范围和方式内. 合法的枪支可以携带,但必须卸下弹药,装在一个封闭的容器里,完全不让人看到,也不让人认出是武器. 本款不适用于执法人员或已正式发给并有效携带此种武器的隐蔽携带许可证的人.
  • 写作, 标记, 涂鸦, 丑化, 或以任何方式对任何RTD车辆或财产造成破坏.
  • Sleeping or dozing where such activity may cause concern for the person's well-being. 在这些情况下,RTD可能会进行健康检查.
  • 未经许可露营.
  • 未经许可存放个人财物(使用交通Tools时,指定区域如自行车储物柜/行李架除外).
  • Occupying or traversing landscaped areas (other than lawns intended for public use).
  • Intentionally occupying more than one seat of an RTD Facility (subject to ADA reasonable modification).
  • Blocking or impeding the movement of another person or blocking a seat or an aisle, 电梯, 自动扶梯, 通路, 门, 或坐着走楼梯, 站, 或躺着)或任何物体(助行器除外), or interfering with the 操作s or facilities maintenance in a way that poses a danger, 不合理地妨碍顾客的行动或坐下, 或取代某人(须根据《澳博体育app》作出合理修改).
  • Failing to clear a designated wheelchair/mobility device area upon RTD request.
  • Impeding the safe boarding or exiting of customers or restricting the opening or closing of 门s.
  • Unplugging a plug already being used in an electrical or data outlet to charge a personal device.
  • 滑板的使用或骑滑板的, 直排或轮滑, 自行车, 踏板车, 赛格威, hoverboard, or other wheeled personal transportation device (unless used as a mobility aid for an individual with a disability); strollers, 非骑和非跨骑自行车, 允许携带轮式行李.
  • 不安全地使用任何轮式装置(1).e.(以可能对骑手或其他顾客造成伤害的方式).
  • 在洗手间洗澡或洗衣服.
  • Leaving needles in RTD restrooms except in designated Sharps Disposal Containers.
  • 不穿鞋, 衬衫/上衣, 及裤子/短裤/短裙(可根据ADA的合理修改).
  • 把鞋子/脚放在任何座位上.
  • Intentionally soiling any seat or other area (other than designated trash receptacles) with liquids, 土壤, 油脂, 油, 食物, 垃圾, 尿液, 粪便, 其他体液, 或者其他物质.
  • Intentionally causing a repulsive odor so extreme and unavoidable that it causes a nuisance, 不合理地干扰使用, 操作, 或享用RTD设施, or creates a direct threat or unsafe condition (subject to ADA reasonable modification).
  • Spitting, urinating, or defecating other than in facilities intended for such purposes.
  • 在公共场合裸体或暴露肛门或生殖器.




一天的使用需要许可证, 作巴士站的非商业用途, Park-n-Rides, 铁路车站, 公交车站, 如果活动涉及以下任何一项:

  • The activity is directed at broad public participation that reasonably could involve a gathering of more than five people at any one time; or
  • 该活动需要任何设备放置在地面上, 比如表, 椅子, 盒子, or coolers; or
  • The activity is a private gathering that reasonably anticipates more than five people in attendance.

RTD does not issue use permits for consecutive days, and use permits are non-transferable.

火车月台或以下任何地点的内部空间均不提供使用许可证:联合车站巴士总站, 文娱中心站, 在车站广场站的博尔德枢纽, 市区博尔德站.

Use permits are issued by RTD's Real Property Division and are granted on a first-come, first-served basis according to availability and the 操作al requirements of the property.





The form is also available at RTD's Blake Street office and from RTD's Real Property Division. 申请使用许可证的实体或个人必须将表格邮寄到百老汇1560号,交给RTD房地产部门, 650套房, 丹佛,CO 80202, 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护). 如未能填妥表格,可能会被拒绝签发许可证. 填妥的表格必须在申请许可证的活动日期前至少15个工作日提交.

Questions regarding use permits should be directed to the RTD Real Property Division at 303-299-2440 or 303-299-6904.


A request for a use permit will not be denied based on the content of the activity or expression, 但是,许可证的使用需要合理的时间, 的地方, 以及方式限制,包括但不限于:

  • 许可证的批准须由其部门将受到拟议用途影响的助理总经理批准. 另外, 通勤铁路高级经理必须批准任何涉及丹佛交通运营商运营的铁路线的使用许可证.
  • The permittee must agree to indemnify and hold RTD harmless from and against all actions, 要求, 索赔, 成本, 和损失, 包括但不限于对RTD的过失指控, 因持牌人使用即时排污设施而引致或导致的人身及/或财产伤害, 员工, 代理, 受邀者, 和/或许可.
  • 持牌人必须取得最少$2的责任保险证明,并向RTD出示,000,000次, covering at a minimum the permittee's obligations 状态d in this Procedure.
  • The permittee must agree not to engage in any of the behavior prohibited at RTD 设施, 如本程序所述.
  • 使用许可证许可的活动结束时, the permittee must clean up and remove all trash and other equipment from the respective RTD 设施.
  • The permittee must maintain RTD 设施 in good condition and must repair any damage to property, 包括但不限于RTD设施, or pay damages to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the damaged property, 对RTD来说是免费的.
  • 如果提供食物或饮料,需要500美元的押金.
  • A permit will be limited to only those activities and the time period specifically 状态d in the permit.
  • RTD may revoke any permit if the activities at RTD 设施 violate this Procedure, 对公众健康或安全构成危险的, 或不合理地干扰RTD操作, 完全由RTD决定.


对拒绝使用许可证申请的决定的任何上诉或抗议必须在拒绝后两个工作日内以书面形式提出, 声明, “拒绝使用许可证的上诉/抗议, 收信人:房地产高级经理." The appeal must be delivered to RTD at 1560 Broadway, 650套房, 丹佛,CO 80202, 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护). RTD's Real Property Manager shall have the final authority to interpret and apply this Procedure.



Use permits are required for 非商业性 events and activities on Wynkoop Plaza at Union Station. These use permits are issued by Wynkoop Plaza Events LLC (WPE) on behalf of RTD. WPE已经发布了指导方针,规定了在Wynkoop广场允许的活动和行为,以及哪些活动需要使用许可证. These guidelines also explain how to obtain a use permit for Wynkoop Plaza.




RTD的房地产部门也处理多天的请求, 正在进行的, 或通过颁发特定许可证,在RTD拥有的财产上重复使用RTD设施和其他特殊活动, 租赁, 或其他书面协议.

查询多日, 正在进行的, 或重复使用RTD设施或其他特别活动, 与RTD的房地产部联系 303-299-2440.



If you are interested in placing a newsrack at RTD 设施, p租赁 review the RTD新闻报道政策. 每年的新闻台许可证费用是10美元.00; the policy addresses additional 成本 that RTD may charge.

申请新闻频道许可证,请下载并填写 新闻台许可证申请 并邮寄至:

RTD / Newsrack
丹佛,CO 80202

如有任何有关本署设施的问题,请电邮至 303-299-2277.